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2024Folhas de Sala (Batalha)REVIEW
2023Torneio de PetroleoPUBLIC PROGRAM
2023DIVE-IN: Design em ProjeçãoPUBLIC PROGRAM
2023Ribeira da Pantanha, UrgeiriçaOTHER
2023Fogo Posto (Diana Policarpo & Odete)REVIEW
2023Colónia BalnearBUILDINGS & OBJECTS
2021Problemáticas da Cultura Contemporânea ano IIOTHER
2019Problemáticas da Cultura Contemporânea ano IOTHER
2023Site-specific WritingPUBLIC PROGRAM
2023Fights with MonstersRESEARCH
2023A Huge Platform for DecarbonisationRESEARCH
2022Lost Zone: Hiking the Dawn of the MetaversePUBLICATION
2021Limen (Pedro Vaz)REVIEW
2021Prelude to an Analysis of Borders, in MarquesOTHER
2020Domestic DustsPUBLICATION
2019Volcano HouseBUILDINGS & OBJECTS
2020The Nuclear in The Ural MontainsRESEARCH
2019Who's the Savage in our Reservations?RESEARCH
2019Burying Solid Waste ProblemsRESEARCH
2019Omega (Yota Ayaan)REVIEW
2019Reversible DeskBUILDINGS & OBJECTS
2018Dirty Paths for a Green MandateRESEARCH
2018Nos Antrópicos (Eco-Visionaires)REVIEW
2018ROME by Order of AppearancePUBLICATION
2017450 Meters Deep into 1 Million Years SafetyRESEARCH
2017Building Risk ReservesRESEARCH
2017Rolling StonesRESEARCH
2017Trick Tickling ClockBUILDINGS & OBJECTS
2017Keeping in ReserveRESEARCH
2016Panorama Boa VistaREVIEW
2015Pripyat (Nikolaus Geyrhalter)REVIEW
2015Questioning the ReserveRESEARCH
2015Rooftop IssuePUBLICATION
2014MAS and the Reserves of Future CatastropheRESEARCH
2013Contested Symmetries & Other PredicamentsOTHER
2012Anti-nuclear Bunkers IIPUBLICATION
2012Pillars of HerculesPUBLICATION
2011Islands of Light and SteelOTHER
2010A Letter to the ZoologistsOTHER
2007On the Techno-SublimePUBLICATION
2006Lamp for OutletsBUILDINGS & OBJECTS
2007Armazém do CháBUILDINGS & OBJECTS

Joana Rafael is an architect practitioner and Postdoctoral Researcher, specializing in ecological concerns related to pollution and contamination, both indoors and in urban planning. Her research explores the intersections of architecture and urbanism with human geography, environmental studies, and power dynamics, encompassing contemporary culture, media studies, art, and technology. She investigates the materiality and limits of physical infrastructures in relation to Earth's systems and the reciprocal relationships between humans and nature, with a particular focus on radiologically contaminated environments. Joana has taught Contextual Studies and Contemporary Culture-related courses at institutions including ESAP in Porto, ISCE Douro in Penafiel, Central Saint Martins in London, and the University for the Creative Arts in Canterbury. She is a member of CEGOT (Center for Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning) and CEAA (Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo), and a co-founder of REFINERY BOARD. Joana holds a Master of Architecture and Urban Cultures from Metropolis, Barcelona, as well as a Master of Research Architecture and a PhD in Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths, University of London. She also earned a Healthier Materials and Sustainable Building Specialization certificate from Parsons School of Design, The New School. In addition to her academic pursuits, Joana is a certified farmer.



Miners District and the Nuclear Mining Landscape
On Radioactive Extraction, Decontamination, and the Enduring Challenges of Urgeiriça
This post-doctoral research delves into the history and ongoing implications of the radium and uranium extraction and decontamination industries in the former Urgeiriça Mining Area, the largest radioactive materials mining complex in Portugal. The study aims to chronicle the development, functions, and aesthetics of the complex and its residential areas, providing a comprehensive analysis of their history and architecture from inception to the present day. It explores the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the mining activities, the remediation efforts for radioactively contaminated houses, and the resilience of the local inhabitants. Employing multidisciplinary methods, this research seeks to understand the evolution of Urgeiriça as both a residential and industrial space, its significance as cultural heritage, and its environmental management practices. Ultimately, the study contributes new perspectives on rural (post-)industrial contexts and their ongoing environmental negotiations.